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You and your pre-schooler are invited to join us for Visitor’s Day

If you’ve heard about our project-based learning (PBL) approach to education and are intrigued about what we do, join us on Visitor’s Day* where you and your child will be immersed in a full day of preschool learning, fun and activities related to our monthly learning theme.
The schedule is as follows:
  • 07:45    Arrival
  • 08:00    Morning ring (Parents and visiting pre-schoolers)
  • 08:15    Introduction to Future Nation Schools, PBL and a tour of our facilities (Parents)
  • 09:00    Parents leave
  • 08:15 – 12:00 Visiting pre-schoolers join class and day’s activities
  • 12:00  Home time for visiting pre-schoolers
Space is strictly limited to 10 visiting pre-schoolers per campus. Register here to join us.
* Parents visiting campus on Visitor’s Day will be required to be to attend the introductory session and a tour of our facilities between 07:45 and 09:00 and, will thereafter, leave their children with the preschool team until pick up at 12:00
Visit our FNS Lyndhurst: 2 Wessel Avenue, Lyndhurst
FNS Fleurhof: Cnr Halite & Hyacinth Rd, Fleurhof